Your erection strength is one of the few things that matters when it comes to your sexual ability – it is something that would keep women coming back for more sex every time.

Apart from engaging in penis exercises (which is one of the safe methods of male enhancement that I recommend for increasing size and erection fitness), there are other habits that you can acquire that would help maintain your erection fitness.
These are 7 habits that you can get hooked on if you want to maintain your erection fitness (i.e. keep having strong erections as you grow older):
1.) Throw Away The Tobacco Cigarettes
Basically, stop smoking!
Tobacco smoking is a big factor that can cause erectile dysfunction as you grow older. The general health risks of smoking are usually published, but most men don’t know how much smoking destroys their sexual ability and sex life.

Smoking results in gradual build up of plaque in your arteries (also known as atherosclerosis). This creates blockages and prevents blood from flowing smoothly. In the long run, it would result in blood circulatory issues and one of the symptoms is erectile dysfunction.
There was a research study conducted to find out the effects of regular smoking and the results showed:
· Men who smoked more than 19 cigarettes dual had a 60% increased risk of erectile dysfunction more than men who don’t smoke.
· 15% of smokers or previous smokers have had problems with erectile dysfunction before.
· Current or former tobacco smokers had as much 30% increased risk of becoming impotent.
2.) Get Enough Sleep At Night
While you sleep, you get erections... multiple erections. If we were to calculate how long your penis is erect during the night, it would be between 3 – 5 hours.

Now why is this important?
Because when you have an erection, it supplies your penis with blood rich in oxygen and this recharges your penile tissues, keep them healthy and flexible.
So, make sure you are getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night.
3.) Exercise Regularly
By exercise, I mean cardio exercise and not weight training or yoga exercising. Yes engaging in penis exercises would give your bigger and stronger erections, however if you want your erections to be at its strongest and maximum peak, you would have to engage in regular cardio exercise.

Medical researchers have found out that by walking briskly every day for 30 minutes, you can increase your erection strength and reduce your risks of erectile dysfunction.
Exercising 3 – 7 times a week would boost your energy levels, lower your blood pressure (to normal levels) and make your relaxed and rested – these things are important when it comes to being able to achieve strong erections regularly.
4.) Reduce Your Stress Levels
If you have a job and other responsible, a certain level of stress is normal. The body uses stress as a signal to prepare for danger.

The big problem is when stress levels are higher than normal and persistent for a long period of time. This is when it starts to damage your health and have an impact on the strength of your erections.
The instance you begin to experience too much stress, you should immediately persuade yourself to have appositive outlook on issues bothering you and realise that there are things you can’t change.
You can also start doing breathing exercises and yoga on regular basis to relax and calm your body and mind.
5.) Don’t Injure Your Penis
Of course it is common sense that your erection strength would be affected if you injure your penis. In fact any form of trauma to the penis, whether ordinary bruises or a break in the penis would affect your erection fitness.

There are some sex positions that are a bit risky and you can easily break your penis in such positions if you are not paying attention to how you thrust.
Trauma to the penis comes in different forms of damage to the penile chamber. This scenario could cause internal bleeding after which scar tissue would form and this could cause you to have weaker erections or erectile dysfunction.
6.) Get Rid Of Excess Body Fat And Keep A Healthy Body Weight
Obesity affects erection fitness in more ways than you may even know off. Too much body fat reduces your body’s ability to produce testosterone which is an essential male hormone.

Your body needs an adequate amount of testosterone if your erections are going to be as strong as you would like them to be.
Having excess body fat also predisposes you to some health conditions like type-2 diabetes and hypertension. And medical researchers have found a link between these diseases and erectile dysfunction.
There are research studies that have indicated that as much as 50% of men dealing with a bad case of type-2 diabetes are likely to become impotent if they do not reverse the damage done by diabetes by adjusting their diet and exercising regularly to maintain their blood sugar in the healthy range at all times.
7.) Deal With Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Early
The best advice I can give you is to make sure that you wear a condom if you have more than one woman that you have sexual intercourse with. Some STDs would affect your erection strength and hardness.

A common example is Chlamydia which makes sex painful for you and this would definitely have a negative effect on your erection hardness and strength.
So practice safe sex and ensure that you deal with whatever STD that you may have contracted as early as possible.
There you have it, 7 habits that would help you maintain your erection fitness and prevent soft erections or erectile dysfunction from being a recurring problem as you get older.